Nunca pensé que podría llegar a echar tanto de menos algo. Gracias por haberme dado el mejor año de mi vida. Gracias por haberme hecho crecer como persona y gracias por haberme dado la oportunidad de conocer a gente tan increíblemente increíble. No hay forma de explicar lo agradecida que estoy por haber podido vivir esta experiencia tan única, de verdad. Ojalá pudiera volver a repetir este año una y otra vez con todas las personas con las que lo he compartido. Realmente una experiencia inolvidable.
Gracias Suecia.
Dear Erasmus,
I never thought I could miss something so much. Thanks for giving me the best year of my whole life. Thanks for making me grow as a person and thanks for giving me the chance of meeting incredible people. There are no words to explain how grateful I am. I would love to repeat this year again and again with all the people with whom I have shared it. Seriously, unforgetable experience.
Thanks Sweden.
Dear Erasmus,
I never thought I could miss something so much. Thanks for giving me the best year of my whole life. Thanks for making me grow as a person and thanks for giving me the chance of meeting incredible people. There are no words to explain how grateful I am. I would love to repeat this year again and again with all the people with whom I have shared it. Seriously, unforgetable experience.
Thanks Sweden.
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